SoundSpectrum music visualization software
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Thank you so very much for your quick reply to my questions. I am very, very impressed with your support team and the way in which you conduct business. I must comment on all your visualizations. I have never seen anything quite so fantastic. They are wonderful and I get hours of enjoyment from all three. Bravo on your thorough handling in this matter and bravo on your products. Well, well, well done. You are all marvelous and you have a very satisfied customer in me.
- Sandra G.
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G-Force Toolbar - Your Turn to Drive! Gold Features
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g-force toolbar visual control

G-Force Gold and Platinum now have the control features you always wanted. It lets you experience G-Force on a whole new level.

With the G-Force Toolbar, it’s easy to pick and choose visual elements, customize your settings, take instant snapshots, and select from many basic and advanced features. G-Force Toolbar’s intuitive user interface is simple and fun to use.

The G-Force Toolbar (available in G-Force Gold and Platinum) allows you to:
  • Display WaveShapes, ColorMaps, FlowFields, and Particles on demand
  • Display images and video within G-Force
  • Change the frame rate and slideshow interval speeds
  • Adjust the visual responsiveness of G-Force to music
  • Take snapshots of your favorite visuals
  • Display track title and album cover art
  • Enjoy the patent-pending V-Bar while working in other applications
  • Set user preferences for a variety of features
  • Create themes for different music genres or for your favorite visuals
  • Use advanced controls to customize your G-Force experience

music player visuals
Take screenshots & launch images...

media player visualizer control
Select visuals
on demand...

plugin frame rate adjustment
Control frame rate
& visual response...

internet radio plugin control
Launch the G-Force V-Bar!

G-Force Toolbar - Advanced Controls

The G-Force Toolbar puts you in the driver's seat:

g-force toolbar music plug in control

Particles, Images, and Video control panel:

images and video plugin

WaveShapes, ColorMaps, and FlowFields control panel:

music visual settings

Visualization Preferences control panel:

visual preferences

Toolbar Preferences control panel:

g-force toolbar customization

Themes control panel:

g-force toolbar theme settings

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